
✔ Clients say our fixed fees are extremely reasonable.

✔ We offer a fixed fee for an agreed scope of work.

✔ All our fees are agreed with you in advance.

✔ We always give you a Costs Disclosure or Costs Agreement.

✔ Litigation funding is available from our litigation funding partner.

A lawyer will answer your calls and emails. You'll be informed about your case every step of the way. You'll be treated with compassion and respect.

Fees for Dispute Resolution

Negotiating a Settlement: fixed fee $2,970 + GST

Taking your instructions and communicating with the other side, attending to mutual disclosure, preparing your balance sheet and financial information, preparing your settlement proposal, making an offer or responding to an offer to settle, negotiating on your behalf, engaging in pre-action procedures, advising you along the way. Fixed fee retainer is for the first month, after this you can renew for subsequent months for $1,980 + GST per month, if needed. If agreement is reached, then the fixed fee for drafting or reviewing consent orders or a financial agreement will apply. If there is no settlement by negotiation, then the matter usually proceeds to mediation or litigation (in either case, a new costs agreement will apply).

Mediation (Prepare for and appear at): fixed fee

This is to take carriage of your matter as your lawyer, prepare for, and attend the mediation with you. Taking your instructions and advising you. Preparing for private mediation or Conciliation Conference. Drafting your Balance Sheet and Mediation Position Paper or Case Outline. Communicating with you, the other side, and the mediator as required prior to the mediation. Attending to mutual disclosure prior to the mediation. Attending mediation with you as your advocate. Reviewing or drafting Heads of Agreement.

Litigation Funding

Litigation funding for property matters may be available to you from our litigation funding partner Juel. Lending criteria and terms and conditions apply. Contact Jano Family Law to find out more.

Fees for Litigation

Notice of Intent to Commence Legal Proceedings: free of charge for existing clients

Taking your instructions and preparing the mandatory Notice of Intent which is required before you can issue proceedings, setting out: (a) The issues in dispute; (b) The orders to be sought if proceedings are started; (c) A genuine offer to resolve the issues; (d) A time (at least 14 days) after the date of the notice for the other party to respond.

Initiating Application or Response to Application (Parenting and/or Property): fixed fee from $5,950 + GST

Taking your instructions and initiating proceedings or responding to proceedings. Including drafting the Initiating Application or Response to Initiating Application, drafting pleadings for both interim and final orders, drafting your Affidavit and preparing exhibits, preparing other documents as required including Financial Statement, Financial Questionnaire, Parenting Questionnaire, Notice of Risk, s 60i Certificate, Genuine Steps Certificate. Attending to filing and communicating with the Court. Serving the application or response on the other side and related communications.

First Court Event: fixed fee

Taking your instructions and preparing for First Court Event. Drafting and filing the mandatory Notice to other parties and the Court, negotiating with the other side, drafting and filing Minutes of Orders, appearing on your behalf at the Court hearing. Fee includes appearance at Court for up to half a day.

Interim Hearing: fixed fee

Taking your instructions and preparing for Interim Hearing. Drafting Reply Affidavit (if required), drafting any additional documentation, assisting you to comply with any orders or directions from the First Court Event, preparing Brief to Counsel, drafting and filing Case Outline, drafting and filing Minutes of Orders, reviewing and filing any expert reports. Communicating with you, experts, Counsel, other side and the Court. Counsel’s fees for preparation and appearing at the hearing are additional.

Conciliation Conference or Private Mediation: fixed fee

Taking your instruction and preparing for private mediation or Conciliation Conference. Drafting your balance sheet and other documentation such as mediation position paper or Case Outline, drafting and filing Minutes of Orders, attending to procedural fairness on superannuation trustee if required, communicating with the other side, mediator and the Court. Attending mediation with you. Assisting Counsel on the day (if Counsel is required).

Final Hearing (Trial): fixed fee and hourly rates

It is recommended that your lawyer becomes familiar with your matter as early as possible in the proceedings. Many solicitors will refuse to accept carriage of a matter at a late stage in the proceedings and competent Counsel are usually booked months in advance. I may need to review your matter before being able to provide a quotation.

Strategic Review of Your Existing Matter

Review, Evaluate and Advise (Existing Matter): fixed fee $990 + GST

If your matter is already before the court, either with you acting for yourself as a self-represented litigant, or if you already have a lawyer and wish to change, this fixed fee covers our initial discussions to understand your current situation and your goals/what you want to achieve, my review of your current court orders, my review of the documents filed in your case and any relevant correspondence, and then a one hour Zoom/MS Teams conference to provide you with my strategic advice as to the current state of your litigation and my proposed case strategy. At the end of this session, we can discuss whether and/or how I am able to assist you in your case.

Fees for Family Law Appeals

Evaluate and Advise on Prospects of Appeal: fixed fee $2,970 + GST

Appeals must be approached very carefully, the stakes are high and misguided applications may have cost consequences. The first step in an appeal is to carefully evaluate the matter, consider what grounds of appeal exist and provide an opinion as to the prospects of success. Only if there are grounds of appeal and you have reasonable prospects of success should you proceed with the appeal. This investigative and advisory step also involves the preparation of a brief to Counsel, a barrister experienced in the conduct of family law appeals to provide their advice. Counsel’s fees for reading the brief and advising are additional.

Notice of Appeal or Responding to Notice of Appeal: fixed fee or hourly rate

Taking your instructions and initiating an appeal by way Notice of Appeal or responding to a notice. Drafting of application form, drafting grounds of appeal, preparing brief to Counsel to settle the grounds of appeal, filing the documents at Court, service on the other side, complying with all relevant rules and directions, communicating with you, Counsel, other side and the Court. Counsel’s fees are additional.

Preparation of Appeal Index: fixed fee or hourly rate

The first step after the filing of the appeal is the preparation of the Appeal Index in the correct form required by the Court. This is a crucial, time consuming and and technical stage in the matter and careful consideration is required of what should or should not be included in the index. Failure to file a complying Appeal Index means that the appeal is abandoned and will result in the appeal being struck out.

Procedural Hearing (Appeal): fixed fee or hourly rate

Prepare for and appear at the first procedural hearing in an appeal. Fee includes all preparation, drafting Minutes of Orders, communications with the other side and the Court, appearance at Court for up to half a day.

Legal Fees FAQ

Helpful answers to frequently asked questions about legal fees.